Saturday 21 June 2008

I feel free

When i get up every morning under the African sky i never know what's going to happen to me.

Yesterday i got up and did my laundry then i went to the internet. When i came home i started having vicious stomach cramps, so i knew my day would be spent in the company of my porcelin friend. I had really bad sickness and diaorreaha, It was truly awful.

I have been taking some traditional medicine that Ines' Mum made fom me, it is made from Guinness and some herbs, it has a dark mint-green colour and it was supposed to help me with my yeast problem. Maybe it helped me by totally cleansing my system, as i sit in an internet cafe here in Buea, i do feel a lot better if not extremely dehydrated.

Tomorrow i go to Mamfe again and i just don't know what's going to happen. It's exciting living like this, now that i'm not shackled to the toilet and other constraints in life, i feel completely free....

The internet in Mamfe is not what Bill Gates dreamt of, so i will be back in 5 days or so with more news.

Toodle pip

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