Thursday 17 January 2008

One week in Cameroon

Well here I am. I've been in Cameroon a week and it's pretty amazing.
It's a big adjustment to get used to the life and culture and crazy roads where people haven't even heard of the highway code, the giant tarantula in my bathroom and of course the humidity and heat.

I've been teaching once which was pretty nerve wracking at first but once i got into the swing of things it was a lot of fun.

The Cameroonian people are amazing and so friendly. They love to hear stories of Scotland, the place where we all wear skirts. My next door neighbour Nelson keeps asking me if i've brought my skirt with me.

This is just a quick post to set up this blog(which is a minor miracle by the way considering how dodgy the internet is here) so i will be back soon with more news.

Toodle pip and i hope it's not too cold where you are


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