Wednesday 2 July 2008

Being a minority

For the first time in my life i am a minority, i am a white man.

My friends and i were individuals at school, but we chose to be that way, we chose not to be a walking fashion label and we chose to listen to good music. This seperated us from the crowd on our own vilition.

But here my skin seperates me from the crowd and that is a new experience for me. Everybody and i mean everybody stares at me, not in a nasty way, but in a curious way. People are intrigued by the way i talk (Sometimes they're not even sure if i'm speaking english, but i just need to go to England to expreience that, ha ha) People also think i'm a millionaire because of my skin colour and a white man tax is added to everything i try to buy. These are pre-conceived notions about white people and once they get to know you everybody including me, realises that our differences are far outnumbered by our similarities.

The people of Cameroon are very, very religious, yer man Jesus is the main man round here. This has been my first experience of living in a pious society and it has been endlessly fascinating and it has provided me with many an interesting debate. God knows how many people are praying for me here.

I've made many friends and i've understood what Cameroonians have to face on a day to day basis. I've felt what it's like to be a minority and its opened my eyes to all the privelages i've had in my life. Without wanting to be too melodramatic, i will never take things for granted again and i will see life from a new perspective for the rest of my days.

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