Saturday, 5 July 2008

Friends like these

Meeting new people is always fun and interesting, and i've met so many people from all over the world in the past six months.

Cameroonians (obviously) Dutch, Danish, Canadian, French, German, Nigerian, Vietnamese, Austrian, Estonian and people from all over the U.S.A. Really it's been a lot of fun and i've felt like a citizen of the world as i've experienced many different cultures and opinions.

I'm going to miss Ines a lot when i leave but i'm confident things are beginning to go her way as she has a new job and a more positive outlook on life. I'm sure she will be fine and i'm positive i'll see her again soon armed with more french phrases.

I'm going to miss Christel and Raul who built their orphanage here. I hope it all works out for them cause what they're planning to do is inspiring.

I'll miss Victor, a Nigerian in Cameroon, himself an ex-UAC volunteer who stayed in the country to open an internet cafe. He's a young guy but already has a fascinating life tale to tell. I'm confident his business will be a success.

I'll miss all the wee kids, who are just so fun and cool and sweet. I'll miss my friend Frederique who has fascilitated my beer consumption for the past six months.

I'll miss Cameroon in general. There is a lot going on here politically and i'll keep a keen eye on what transpires with this Biya character. I hope the new Jamadianle school gets completed by 2011, this is when i'd like to come back.

But i have been missing some of the people who have been reading this blog. My feelings are quite bittersweet at the moment. Ho Hum.

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