Friday, 11 April 2008

You gave me fever

Hello! I have returned from the jungle. It was amazing and i'm going to write some blogs on my tales soon. Now though i am feeling rather sick and i'm not up to it.

The day before we went to the rainforest i woke up with a crazy bad fever. Steam was pouring from my face and i could melt ice with a firey glance. Anyway, the volunteers doctor came out and said i may have typhoid and possibly malaria. She presented me with a multitude of drugs of every colour, malara suppresants, anti-histamines, painkillers and a rehydration pill for good luck. In all i had to pop 14 pills in my face!!.

"Eh, are you sure it's okay to mix all these drugs?" I inquired apprehensively.
"Yes, of course it is. They will make you better, now take these for your fever" She said bossily.
"So you think i won't get sick in the jungle?" I begged.
"No. You will not get sick, oh don't take those yellow ones!!!, they will make you very sick" She blurted as i was raising them to my mouth.
"Oh" I said as i glanced down at these apparent suicide pills in my hand. "Why did you bring them?" I asked.
"A mistake" she said absently as she reached for more pills.

So after popping half the contents of a chemist i went to the jungle. I must say i felt fine, although the humidity of the rainforest may have consealed my fever. We got back yesterday and again i felt alright, but last night i started shivering (a very weird experience in Africa, i sleep with a fan on me at night and if i had the choice i'd go and kip on a block of ice!)and then the fever came back with a beezer of a sore head as a wee treat too.

So now here i am in the cyber sweating buckets after seeing the doctor for the second time. She took some of my blood and she is going to run tests on it. I don't feel too special to be honest. I just hope it's not malaria though, as my friend Meredith had to go to hospital with it last week. It's not very pleasant.

I shall keep you posted.

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